TVK 24 Eric Yoon
- Every ethnic channel is premium channel.But there is limitation in premium channel.
- 히스패닉이 미디어 파워가 있어서 영향력이 강해질 수 있었다.
- Lucky is very important.(about 60%)
- Set up very high entry barrier.
- There are 2 Korean channels.
- Channels by Korean-American for Korean-American.
- VOD(Video On Demand)
- How do you start your biz? How do you funding?
: I want to learn different industry.You can packagie your product.
Make sure I'm gonna right thing. Don't ever get greedy.
Very passinate with vision
Very dedicate
- Every ethnic channel is premium channel.But there is limitation in premium channel.
- 히스패닉이 미디어 파워가 있어서 영향력이 강해질 수 있었다.
- Lucky is very important.(about 60%)
- Set up very high entry barrier.
- There are 2 Korean channels.
- Channels by Korean-American for Korean-American.
- VOD(Video On Demand)
- How do you start your biz? How do you funding?
: I want to learn different industry.You can packagie your product.
Make sure I'm gonna right thing. Don't ever get greedy.
Very passinate with vision
Very dedicate