世上/冊床2008. 7. 10. 12:05
Brief history of Blockbusters

 The first modern blockbuster
 Strategic use of wide release
 Theater lines around the bock.
 Tremendous buzz in press
 A "must-see" movie.
--> No star.Shark as brand, music.

Star Wars(1977)
 Teens are the target
 Repeat viewing
 Merchandising is huge (George Lucas had the right about merchandising)

스티븐 스필버그가 교수님 boss였대... (와~ 부러움..)

Raiders of the Lost Ark(1981)
 Spielberg and Lucas
 $100 million becomes the new benchmark.

Top Gun(1986)
 Simpson and Bruckheimer
 Moviesbased on formulas
 Light movies, lots of ype
 Tom Cruise box office star

Terminator 2(1993)
 Arnold Schwarzenegger
 James Cameron
 Big star plus special effects

Independence Day(1996)
 Special effects as the star
 Will Simith became the SuperStar

The Matrix(1999)
 Innovations in special effects
 Keanu Reeves moves up another notch

Lord of the Rings(2000)
 CGI as importatn as actors
 Brand franchise shot all at once
 Peter Jackson moves up

 Uncapped brand franchise
 Comic book craze
 Tobey Maguire becomes a star

Shrek 2(2004)
 Sequels that build audience
 Sequels can add to total franchise value

Godzilla(1998) : Hit or Miss?

Industry rules of thumb: Judging movie success

Mission Impossible
 Is this a sure thing?
 What are the marketable elements?

Guest Speaker : 진원석 Writer & Director "Too tired to die"

영화학교 가서 배운 것 : 영화 학교 가지 않고도 영화 만들 수 있다. (ㅋㅋ 저런..ㅋ)

말이 아주 빠르심.. have passion.
Posted by shanti0127